
Push-Mail: Visto kauft Good

Was der Blackberry kann, können andere auch. Visto und Good Technology zum Beispiel, sie sind nur nicht so bekannt, weil T-Mobile, Vodafone und andere deren Dienste als ihre eigenen verkaufen. Visto wird jetzt Good übernehmen.

Visto und Good bieten nicht nur einfaches Push-Mail an, sondern auch die Synchronisierung von Daten, VPN, Gerätemanagement und Sicherheitslösungen.

Visto auf einem Nokia-Smartphone
Visto auf einem Nokia-Smartphone

Ähnlich wie das System von Blackberry nutzen Visto und Good auch einen zentralen Server, über den die Daten geleitet werden.

Auf mehr als 400 Geräten

Während Research-in-Motion (RIM) zum Blackberry-Dienst aber auch eigene Smartphones unter diesem Namen herausbringt, bieten Visto und Good lediglich Programme für mehr als 400 Geräte an.

Good Technology gehörte bislang zum angeschlagenen Handy-Hersteller Motorola. Während andere Hardware-Entwickler wie Nokia immer mehr auf Zusatz-Dienste setzen, trennt sich Motorola von ihnen.

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24. February 2009 | 13:33 Uhr | Peter Giesecke | Trackback

Tags: Motorola, Visto, Good Technology, Push-Mail, VPN, Sicherheit, Gerätemanagment, Blackberry, Research-in-Motion, RIM



blackberry phones do not run on ancdrirbladkbeory phones run on blackberry osnot on android and same thing with the blackberry tabletyou cant get instagram on a blackberry phone but hopefully that will change with bb10hope i helped
Odon | 23.10.2015 | 19:03 Uhr


android-Blackberry does not existBlackberry phones and talbtes run the Blackberry OSAndroid phones run the Android OSthe only devices capable of running Instagram is Android based or iOS (Apple) based devices
HeLin | 24.10.2015 | 22:30 Uhr


It would be more safe downloading Blackberry app world. If you have the ientrnet on your phone, Go to and downlaod it. You can create your own account then your off!! You can download almost anything, from: themes,games,music to the news,productivity and utilities.If you dont have ientrnet and you have your email set up, then go to the website from you computed, click download they it will ask you if you want them to send it to your email, them you just open it from there.You also may already have it on your phone as some phones come with it.Hope this helped [url=]kviewfmpts[/url] [link=]tyjgqje[/link]
Murat | 25.10.2015 | 03:45 Uhr


This is seriously going to own the iPad! Steve jobs is shiittn himself so hard that he had to resort to snide remarks about 7 inch tablets being DOA seriously? Has anyone tried to hold an ipad, nothing but a clunky awkward piece of crap with no flash support! I hope the Playbook finally creates some serious competition and shuts up all the ifanboys and their leader!Everyone is sick of Apple's world domination! Bring it on RIM!!! And well done to Mike Lazardis for his return, clever words!
Maheen | 26.10.2015 | 15:38 Uhr


Assuming the battery is chrgead, make sure your Blackberry is on by pressing the red end-call button (if any lights are on, the phone IS on). Try calling your Blackberry from another phone. If it rings but you see nothing on the screen, the LCD screen or another component is malfunctioning. Head back to your carrier's store for a quick replacement. [url=]gnsbhhepv[/url] [link=]hanmcbjb[/link]
Moussa | 28.10.2015 | 07:04 Uhr

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